sabato 21 gennaio 2012

Dub.Tech Night w/HATTI VATTI (PL) - 21 gennaio 2012

Overflow Club, San martino, 39
Arboretum presents: #First time in Italy
HATTI VATTI (Gdansk -Poland)

[Mindest (UK) - New Moon Recordings - On the Edge]

Hatti Vatti (Piotr Kaliski) is a dubstep/dubtechno pro­ducer asso­ci­ated with Mind­set. He per­ma­nently col­lab­o­rates with Sara Brylewska (vocal) and Maciek Sala­mon (video). He worked with a British vocal­ist named Echo Ranks and has a fine col­lec­tion of remixes under his belt. Hatti Vatti’s debut vinyl sin­gle got an inter­na­tional release in Sep­tem­ber 2009. Hatti Vatti per­forms as a DJ and also pro­vides a sought-after live-act. He also runs the Kanu Kanu vinyl imprint.
After long break (last release: Mindset 12″ in 2009 – Polish producer Hatti Vatti has returned with new material and two forthcoming 12″ EP’s on New Moon and On The Edge.
Along with Untold, LV, Geiom or Girl Unit he produced exlusive material for Kid Kameleon’s EE mix #135 (December 2010).

“Here’s a 25 minute mix of Hatti Vatti’s sound – showcase of his older material, tunes remixed by legendary Andy Stott and by rising Bristolian Phealeh, latest 170 bpm material plus dubplates from associated labels/producers”.
Hatti Vatti also runs vinyl label “Kanu Kanu“. The aim of the label is to promote interesting and original artists from the world of forward-thinking dub techno, minimalistic dubstep / DNB and experimental music.


Overflow Club, San martino, 39
Arboretum presents: #First time in Italy

**************************FREE ADMISSION****************************

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